Almost everyone has heard the term content marketing. It is tossed around millions of times a day online and inside businesses. Some may be asking what exactly content marketing is.

Content marketing is exactly what it says it is. It is the process of using engaging content to engage consumers and increase sales. For businesses, content marketing is an investment. To use content correctly businesses must have strategic insight. Business owners must target consumers and use their content to draw them in.

It’s also important to understand that content marketing is not social media or an intern’s job. Content marketing is far more than a company’s blog and must be done with flair and on a daily basis.

Blogs, eNewsletters and surveys are great ways to engage consumers. Videos are another vital tool in catching the consumer’s eye. At Varci Media we fully understand the impact videos can have on consumers. Check out our video services.

Even though content marketing is considered a relatively new business strategy, it is in reality a combination of several different business practices. It combines sales, social media, advertising and branding. Content marketing combines these practices to form close customer relationships while delivering unforgettable user experiences.

One thing is for sure, it is of the utmost importance to speak to your potential customer directly. Your brands voice is the one that you will use in your online content as well as all social media communication. It is important that you remember your content has to be written in a way that it is not for the masses, but speaks personally to your readers/followers.

Just as important as your personal tone is to ensuring your customers feel important, you also need a place where they can leave feedback. Knowing they can share their views with you will help form a closer business relationship. So the next time you sit down to write your next blog, survey or eNewsletter write as if you were speaking to them as a friend and in person.

Another great strategy is to ensure the content you are putting out there is unique and valuable. Consumers love exclusivity. If you give them something that they cannot find anywhere else they are going to return again and again.

It is also important to supply the content to the consumer for free. Consumers run away from websites that come with membership fees.

When working with content, never underestimate the power of emotions. If the words you share makes someone smile, laugh or cry a tear or two then you are forming a bond. Tapping into emotions is great because everyone loves it when they relate.

So don’t be afraid to share an inside joke that only your consumers will get. If you had an experience that you think your audience can relate to don’t hesitate to share it. If you have solved the issue, share how and if you haven’t, ask your audience for advice or tips.

It is also a great idea to share your volunteer work with your audience. By sharing the things you do for charities or your community, you are showing followers that your company is built around real people who care about giving back.

In the end the easiest way to connect with your audience is to show you truly care about their opinion. Drive up your engagement by asking them a question. You could ask them about their experience with your brand or how they felt your customer service was.

If there is a hot topic out there that everyone is talking about, take the time to ask your audience their opinion on it. You could start by sharing your opinion and then ask followers if they agree with you.

All of these tips will help you build your audience and brand.

Picture by Esalesdata