Since the first blogs bloggingappeared in 1999, blogging has quickly emerged as one of the most important marketing tools for both large and small businesses. A blog is a web page containing posts arranged in chronological order. A blog can contain text, images and video. There are two types of blogs: personal and business. A personal blog is like a personal diary that anyone can access. A business blog contains posts on a specific topic, usually a product or service offered by a company.

Here are 5 things that blogging can do for your business:

1. Helps bring traffic to your website: To increase your business online, you need visitors to your website and lots of them. The higher the the traffic, the higher the chances of making sales. Blogging is a great way to bring traffic to your website as it allows you to directly communicate with your customers and share your knowledge and information with them. You can also link your blog to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to attract more customers.

2. Helps establish you as an expert: Blogging helps establish you as the expert in your line of business. By writing informative and interesting blog posts, you can build a following of loyal readers who will eagerly await your next topic. As your readership grows, so will your fame as the authority on the topic. Ultimately, this will translate into higher sales.

3. Helps increase your company’s credibility: In today’s highly competitive market, people only buy from companies they can trust. Building trust requires familiarizing your existing and target customers with your company and its products and services. Blogging offers an easy and convenient way to do that. By sharing information that is factual and useful on a regular basis, you can gain the trust of your customers.

4. Makes it easy to keep your customers updated: Blogging provides an easy and convenient way to update your customers on new products and services. You can simply post information on new products and services being offered and your readers will do the rest. If the information is relevant and attractive, it will find its way to the social media account of thousands of other internet users.

5. Helps improve customer service: Good customer service is an essential component of every business. Blog posts allow you to communicate directly with your customers and get feedback in the real time. If they are not happy about a product or service, they can post a complaint or give negative feedback on your blog. You can quickly respond to their complaints and requests and provide better customer service.

Blogs that are search engine optimized can be found more easily by search engines like Google and Bing. This makes your company’s website more visible and accessible to your customers. This is the reason SEO has become so important these days. Once your blog site attracts enough followers, you will be able to promote your products and services without having to spend a fortune on advertising.

Have you tried blogging to increase your business?

Photo by Martin Canchola