Blog Content Writing

Blog content writing is a key element of any SEO strategy. When done well, it can be an extremely powerful marketing tool but done poorly, it could damage your company’s reputation. Why is blog writing so important? And how can you harness its power? As experts in the content writing industry, we know just how essential a quality blog is for business success.

What is a blog?

The term “blog” is actually short for “weblog.” A blog or weblog is a web page or website that is updated regularly. Its content has a conversational or informal style and usually, readers are able to add their own comments. A blog is an exceptionally effective marketing tool because it allows the brand to address its audience directly. Direct access to an audience is a significant advantage.

We are specialists in writing content for corporate blogs. As experts in the industry, we’re able to harness the twin powers of SEO and high quality content. The result is a powerful promotional tool for your brand.

Are there different blog genres?

Blogs can be written about any topic that is relevant to your target audience. Some examples include:

  • Banking
  • Investments
  • Loans
  • Credit Cards
  • Real Estate
  • Mortgages
  • And much more

Blogs may take the form of tutorials or how-to instructions that teach readers something new.  The readers generate lots of clicks that directly or indirectly translate into revenue.

Our skilled content writing team can write high quality blogs on any topic related to financial institutions.

Why is blogging so important?

Blogging is essential for businesses today. Blogging enables companies of all types and sizes to extend their customer reach at an affordable cost. Newspaper and TV ads are expensive forms of advertisement. Blogging, on the other hand, is equally effective at a fraction of the cost.

Companies can attract new readers by creating quality blog posts about their services and products. The inevitable result is increased sales. Positive branding is another advantage. Blogs have a worldwide reach. This means that a company can rapidly establish its branding in the mind of consumers. The benefits include slashed advertising costs, boosted sales and increased exposure.

Outbound leads, such as print advertising or direct mail, have a close rate of only 1.7 percent. When compared with SEO leads at a close rate of 14.6 percent, it’s clear that blogging is a vital tool. Companies that blog also receive 97percent more website links than those that do not. Websites with blogs also have an impressive 434 percent more indexed pages than those that don’t. If these figures don’t convince you of the benefits, nothing will!

Consistent blogging is essential

Simply having a corporate blog isn’t enough. Blogging has to be consistent to be effective. Why? Well, let’s examine the following reasons:

  • Fleeting loyalty. These days, readers have a short attention span. Out of sight means out of mind. If blogs aren’t updated regularly, they’re forgotten about by their target audience. Long absences mean lost followers, which is disastrous for business.
  • Long tail keywords. As many as 16 percent of monthly Google searches involve brand new combinations of words that have not been searched. Only one-fifth of all searches are for so-called main keywords. Take a look at the figures and you’ll see that 80 percent of traffic involves searches for long tail keywords. More blog posts mean more readers are likely to find their long tail keywords in your content.
  • Becoming an authority. Blogs have recently been rated as the fifth most trustworthy source of online information. More quality content means you’ll become an authority in your industry. Regular blogging creates the trust necessary to get to the top of your field. 
  • Google prefers new content. Every time you update your site, Google bots scan your site. Not only that, but regular visitors will spend more time on your website. Lengthy average visit times and low bounce rates will boost to your search engine ranking.
  • More content means more sales. Almost half of all buyers view up to five pieces of content before they engage with a sales representative. Therefore, the more content you have, the more likely it is to generate sales. 

The chart below shows just how important regular blogging is to the acquisition of customers. It’s clear that blogging on a weekly basis has a massive advantage over blogging less frequently than once per month. These figures also show that daily blogging is highly effective, while multiple posts per day have the maximum acquisition rate.

Getting content right

Getting blog content right is essential for maximum success. It’s no longer enough to just stuff keywords into text and hope for the best. Today’s successful content is valuable and gives readers what they want. Getting blog content wrong can do more harm than good for your business. By using the services of professional content writers like Varci Media, you can reap the benefits of quality blog content.

How can Varci Media help with blogging?

As a team of highly experienced content writers, Varci Media knows just what goes into making a high-quality blog. Therefore, we can help in several ways:

  • Visual appeal. By 2020, there will be over 30 million bloggers around the world. So, it is imperative to find a way to get your brand’s blog to stand out. We understand that making your blog more appealing than your competition is essential. Forty-three percent of readers simply skim through a blog post. That means visual tools, images, questions and headers are vital to getting your articles noticed. Research has shown that blog articles that have included images get up to 94 percent more views. We have the necessary skills to maximize the appeal of your posts and to boost your revenue.
  • Valuable content. Creating dry, boring content won’t attract a greater readership. Today, blog content must be useful and provide value to readers. Varci Media’s content writers are proficient at creating exciting and engaging blog posts. We can help you to draw readers in and keep them scrolling, clicking and sharing.
  • Longer content. Evidence has shown that the average word count of Google’s top-ranking content lies between 1,140 and 1,285 words. Longer posts can be a challenge for companies to create themselves on a regular basis. Varci Media’s experienced team can produce your long-form content on a regular basis, which will help improve Google rankings.
  • Optimizing keywords. Although value of blog content is the most important factor today, having SEO optimized keywords has a role to play. As experts in the content writing industry, we are proficient at including relevant keywords for your brand into posts. Our talented writers instinctively include keywords so that they are seamlessly integrated into the text for optimal results.

Make Varci Media your first choice for blog content writing

Here at Varci Media, we have a dedicated team of skilled bloggers with many years of experience writing for financial institutions. We write blogs on a variety of subjects to suit the unique requirements of your institution. We produce quality writing; from personal stories, case studies and guest posts, to infographics, checklists and how-to blogs. We are specialists in the creation of superior blog posts that are tailored to meet your needs.