Article Writing

An article is a piece of writing that can be included in a book, newspaper, magazine, website or any other form of publication. It can be an essay, report, story, description, account, review, news or a blog post. It can be on any topic in the universe, such as education, finance, and relationships. In fact, any written composition that is not long enough to be called a book can be called an article. Article writing services include all the different types of articles in their various forms.

What is the purpose of an article?

An article can be written with one or many different purposes, such as to disseminate information to the general public, entertain the reader, express an opinion, explain a viewpoint or situation, explore or discuss a topic, and persuade the reader to take the desired action. Feature articles usually aim to inform, explain and persuade a target audience. In the case of businesses, the purpose of an article is to inform potential customers about products and services and to persuade (subtly) them to purchase the same.

What are the different categories of articles?

There are many different types of articles. Each type has its style and purpose. The different categories of articles we offer as part of our article writing services include the following:

Newspaper articles: There are several different types of news articles that include news, columns, feature articles and editorial. News focuses on reporting the facts as they happen. A column is an article about current events or subjects of interest. Feature articles are about people, places, news and other topics of interest. Editorial is an article that contains the writer’s opinion.

Magazine articles: Different types of magazine articles include how-to articles, informative articles, expose articles, human interests, humor or satire articles, inspirational articles, historical articles, experimental articles, and people profiles. The subject of these articles can be anything, including arts and entertainment, vehicles, computers and electronics, education and communications, family life, finance and business, food, health, hobbies, etc.

Website articles: There are many different types of website articles such as website content, blog posts, descriptions, guides, opinion posts, book reviews, product and service reviews, how-to articles, lists, link pages, eBooks, bio’s, case studies, interview, and research. Just like magazine articles, the subject of these articles can be almost anything.

Research and scholarly articles: Different types of research and scholarly articles include case studies, research/empirical reports (reporting on the results of a study or experiment), reviews (summary of the findings of a study or experiment), professional letters and book reviews.

How is a well-written article structured?

Although different types of articles have slightly different structures, the general rule is that a good article should have an appropriate title, an introduction, the main body of the article, a conclusion and sometimes an appendix. Companies that offer article writing services pay particular attention to:

Title: Every article must have an appropriate title. The title gives a good idea of what the article is about. Since most people only read an article if they find the title interesting, it must be eye catching.

Introduction: Every good article starts with an introduction, which is the opening paragraph. It is a summary of the main points of the article. It explains the subject to prepare the reader for the details that follow. Since many readers only read the opening paragraph of an article, it should include the most vital information.

Main body of the article: The main body of the article is made up of one or more paragraphs. It elaborates on the subject matter explained in the opening paragraph with detailed descriptions, and relevant facts and figures. These may be divided into subheadings, subparagraphs, and lists if necessary.

Conclusion: The conclusion is the closing paragraph. It completes the article by linking the last paragraph to the first, often by reiterating a word or phrase in the opening paragraph. It may also end with the writer’s final view on the subject or a suggestion to the reader. Articles that are written to be published on websites often conclude by adding a link to a relevant website or a page on the same site.

Appendix: Some types of articles also require appendices at the end, such as references and related articles.

What are the ingredients of a compelling article?

Writing an article is a form of art. There is no hard and fast rule about how to write an article. You can write it in any way you want to, as long as it can draw the reader’s attention and elicit the desired reaction, which may be to buy a service or product described in the article. However, here are some important things we pay attention to when it comes to our article writing services:

Targeted for specific readers: The article must be geared towards a particular group of readers.

Interesting to read: The article must be engaging enough for the reader to want to read till the last sentence. The writer can use humor, quotes, and anecdotes to make it enjoyable.

Easy to read and understand: It should be written in an easy to comprehend language and be broken up into paragraphs, subheadings, and lists for clarity.

Factual and informative: Relevant facts that contain the information the reader is looking for or needs to know.

A good ending: The article should end with a good ending. The best endings usually link back to the opening paragraph.

How can a well-written article boost revenue?

Customers want information about products and services, and one of the best ways to disseminate information is by publishing well-written articles on relevant websites, magazines, and other publications. A well-written article will make your customers aware of your products and services and subtly persuade them to purchase them. Also, such an article enhances the image of your company. Thus, a written article can boost your revenue.

How can we help you?

We have a team of dedicated writers who are experienced in writing articles. Our article writing services include articles for newspapers, magazines, websites, and other publications on any topic you like, including arts and entertainment, vehicles, computers and electronics, education, family life, finance and business, food, health, hobbies, etc. We specialize in creating articles that are tailored to your specific needs.